Situation/ Challenge
The global leader in snack foods was evaluating a new design for its Latin America region’s marketing organization to accomplish two primary objectives: elevate the overall marketing capabilities and identify synergies in processes, marketing programs and innovation. The recommendation needed to align with recently launched global business units and ongoing initiatives at Global HQs.
A quick assessment of current mode of marketing (CMM) across the organization was developed to better understand existing processes, local & regional organizational designs, key activities, programs with time spent, functional interactions, and culture. In addition, an internal survey was deployed across the marketing community to build quantitative metrics and validate initial hypotheses.
Based on initial insights and via leadership work-sessions, the ideal future mode of marketing (FMM) was designed. Fine tuning, particularly of organizational design, was conducted by building alignment with Global initiatives. Finally, transitional plans were developed to close the gaps and fill voids between CMM and FMM.
Initial quick wins were achieved by leveraging the newly created Brand Board forums and expanded capabilities at the center: increased % of regional vs. local programs, accelerated innovation projects and regional campaign development.